Case Report
Author Details :
Volume : 11, Issue : 3, Year : 2024
Article Page : 146-151
Class II Division 2 malocclusion is a dental condition characterized by retroclined maxillary central incisors, often accompanied by a deep bite and a Class II skeletal relationship. The utility arch, an orthodontic appliance designed to exert controlled forces on the dentition, offers a promising approach for correcting this type of malocclusion. By making strategic adjustments, such as a V bend in the vestibular bridge, the utility arch can be effectively used to procline incisors. This case report details the application of a utility arch in treating a growing patient with Class II Division 2 malocclusion. The treatment plan aimed to leverage the patient's growth period to enhance the stability of the correction, ensuring a favorable long-term outcome.
Keywords: Utility arch, Class II Division 2, Deep bite, V bend, Stability, Smile
How to cite : Aiswareya G, Verma S K, Sharma V K, Yadav P K, Enhancing smile in class II division 2 malocclusion using utility arch – A Case report. J Orofac Health Sci 2024;11(3):146-151
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Received : 14-06-2024
Accepted : 10-07-2024
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